I'm a software developer, mostly a web dev though, which is why I decided to make this horrible cover page with a bandwidth consuming video background! (Jokes aside, I applied heavy compression and it's just about 721 KiB and I made sure not to use any external libraries, so this site should still be "averagely sized")
This site serves as introduction and "hub" to link to other things and social pages, like:
Web backend: PHP 5.3-8.1 (but I wouldn't use EOL PHP)
Databases: MySQL/MariaDB
Real stuff: C, C#, Java
Some creative skills: (incomplete list)
Image manipulation and creation: Photoshop CS6+, Affinity Photo
3D Modelling: Blender
Game dev: Unity (formerly Unity3D) in C#
OS skills: Well-versed in Linux, macOS and Windows but I'll use FreeBSD if I have to.
Networking: Internet is for memes. I know how the "web" works. I can build small networks. I ported OpenWrt in the past and can use it. I can use pfSense®. WireGuard® is your friend. Cloud is a lie.