
Check for breached passwords with k-anonymity

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Check for breached passwords with k-anonymity


To get prompted to enter the password securely, simply run:

Alternatively, you can specify the password directly: <password>

The latter is not recommended, as it might leak the password to the shell history.

Usage (Windows)

Simply double-click passwnd.exe or use it in a terminal like above.


You can get the latest release from here.

For ease-of-use, passwnd.exe is provided for Windows users, which comes with embedded Python.

You can download either the or passwnd.exe directly, or choose a packaged version which includes additional files.

How it works

  1. The password will be hashed with SHA1 and turned to human-readable hex (ASCII)
  2. That hex will be trimmed to just the first 5 characters
  3. That trimmed result will be submitted to the database
  4. will return all hashes that begin with that trim
  5. We download all returned hashes, and perform a full search locally

This way, we can check if a password was breached, without revealing said password. While simultaneously only requiring to download a few kB of data instead of GB.


Please consider donating a coffee if this tool is useful to you. (: